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15.1 Account settings

All account settings reside in the variable jabber-account-list. Usually you only need to set the JID, in the form ‘username@server’ (or ‘username@server/resource’ to use a specific resource name). These are the other account options:

If the account is disabled, jabber-connect-all will not attempt to connect it. You can still connect it manually with jabber-connect.
You can set the password of the account, so you don't have to enter it when you connect. Note that it will be stored unencrypted in your customization file.
Network server
If the JID of the Jabber server is not also its DNS name, you may have to enter the real DNS name or IP address of the server here.
Connection type
This option specifies whether to use an encrypted connection to the server. Usually you want “STARTTLS” (starttls), which means that encryption is activated if the server supports it. The other possibilities are “unencrypted” (network), which means just that, and “legacy SSL/TLS” (ssl), which means that encryption is activated on connection.
If the Jabber server uses a nonstandard port, specify it here. The default is 5222 for STARTTLS and unencrypted connections, and 5223 for legacy SSL connections.

15.1.1 For Google Talk

If you have a very new version of dns.el,1 you can connect to Google Talk just by specifying your Gmail address as JID. Otherwise, you also need to set “network server” to and “connection type” to “legacy SSL”.

15.1.2 Upgrade note

Previous versions of jabber.el had the variables jabber-username, jabber-server, jabber-resource and jabber-password. These are now obsolete and not used.


[1] Specifically, you need Emacs 23, or No Gnus 0.3.